
Is It Legal for Attorneys to Buy Leads?

The American Bar Association permits attorneys to buy leads as long as they follow the pre-set rules. The truth is that most law firms need a steady stream of clients to remain profitable. There are many ways to generate leads and buying them is one option. Of course, buying leads can often be miscategorized as…
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What Is Legal SEO and Why Should Attorneys Embrace It?

Succeeding as an attorney largely depends on landing new clients. You can stand out from the pack in this competitive market and reel in new clients by investing in legal SEO. Lead generation via legal SEO is critical to ensure growth and profitability by capturing and converting new leads into clients. Ignoring legal SEO not…
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The Core Elements of Digital Marketing

We live in a finger-tip era, where everything is just a click away. Digital marketing or online marketing works on connecting potential consumers with sellers using digital communication and technologies. Digital marketing drives the traffic, creates awareness, and makes it easy to engage with the audience. On the other hand, social sharing shortens the journey…
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WordPress Blog Themes

Top 10 Free WordPress Blog Themes

Creating a WordPress blog is one of the simplest ways to share your ideas with the world and build a massive following. Many creative heads have turned to the WordPress blogging platform to express their talents and build a strong portfolio online. While there are many other ways to set up an online presence too,…
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Understanding the Key Elements of Mobile SEO

There is no denying the fact that smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. The availability of high-speed internet everywhere has even made it simpler to look for information on the go using mobile devices. People prefer searching for the products or services they want on their smartphones because they are versatile…
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How to Create a Successful Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Launching an affiliate marketing campaign is one of the best ways for bloggers to generate some quick revenue. Affiliate marketing has always been an established way of making money online, which has a bright and lucrative future in the upcoming days as well. Reports say that more than 80% of brands and publishers use affiliate…
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Digital Marketing Services

Why you should Outsource Digital Marketing Services

Marketing a brand is not that easy anymore. We have already transitioned into a digitally advanced period, where the traditional forms of advertising and promoting business have almost lost their appeal. Apparently, there is no point in sticking to those mediums anymore. You need to figure out the best ways to promote your business via…
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Online Frauds

Tips to Stay Safe from Online Scams and Fraudsters

No one wants to fall prey to online scams and end up losing valuable information or money because of that. Yet the sad truth is that online frauds and scams are on a steady rise these days. As technological advancements have paved way for us to make use of the internet for varied purposes, scammers…
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Finding the Right Balance between Web Design and SEO

Two of the most important aspects to consider when building a website are how it would satisfy the needs of your customers and how it would perform in the ever-growing competitive world of the internet. It is very important to design a website that conveys the status and repute of your brand to the visitors…
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Content Management

Why is Quality Website Content So Important Today

Quality content and well-managed readable text make one of the most vital aspects of any website. It not only makes the website more user-friendly by offering the right information related to their concerns, but it also helps to enhance the website rankings by implementing the relevant keywords. There is no arguing the fact that with…
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